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Workshop schedule

Session 0 (Tuesday AM)
S8: fluctuation, new physics, systematics?

Antony Lewis: CMB lensing [15 + 5]
Elisabeth Krause: Galaxy lensing [15 + 5]
Marika Asgari: On the S8 tension [15 + 5]
Simone Ferraro: On the S8 tension: The view from CMB lensing cross-correlations [15 + 5]
John Peacock: On the S8 tension [15 + 5]
George Efstathiou: On the S8 tension [15 + 5]

Session 1 (Tuesday PM)
CMB lensing methods & theory

Julien Carron & Mat Madhavacheril: Review [30 + 5]
Eunseong Lee [8 + 2]
Frank Qu: CMB lensing with Adv ACT [8 + 2]
Louis Legrand: CMB lensing power spectrum with deep polarisation surveys [8 + 2]
Patricia Larsen: Simulation efforts for CMB lensing and cross-correlations [8 + 2]
Marius Millea: The optimal lensing landscape for experts and casual observers [8 + 2]
Fiona McCarthy [8 + 2]

Session 2 (Wednesday AM)
Photometric redshift calibration

Alex Amon & Hendrik Hildebrandt: Review [30 + 5]
Justin Myles: Lessons learned from the DES Y3 Redshift Calibration [8 + 2]
Andresa Campos: Weak Lensing Photo-Z for DES Y6 [8 + 2]
Jamie McCullough: DESI C3R2 efforts: constraining the magnitude dependence of redshift at fixed color [8 + 2]
Robert Lupton [8 + 2]
Alan Heavens: Bayesian approaches to galaxy weak lensing [8 + 2]

Session 3 (Wednesday PM)
Shear estimation

Gary Bernstein & Niall MacCrann: Review [30 + 5]
Mijin Yoon: KiDS shear calibration [8 + 2]
Hironao Miyatake: HSC shear [8 + 2]
Arun Kannawadi: How we plan to measure shear for Rubin [8 + 2]
Elisabeth Krause: Weak lensing without shape noise [8 + 2]
Gary Bernstein: Joint shear and photo-z assignment [8 + 2]

Session 4 (Thursday AM)
Baryonic effects

Aurel Schneider & Marcel van Daalen: Review [30 + 5]
Tilman Troester: Constraining baryon feedback and cosmology with a joint analysis of KiDS-1000 weak lensing and the thermal Sunyaev Zeldovich effect [8 + 2]
Alex Amon: Constraining feedback from lensing + SZ [8 + 2]
Henk Hoekstra: Constraining baryonic physics with lensing for lensing [8 + 2]
Tim Eifler: Constraining baryonic physics with cosmological data [8 + 2]
Boris Bolliet: Probing baryons with kSZ^2 x CMB lensing [8 + 2]
Dongwon Han: Calibrating baryonic feedback with the kinetic Sunyev Zeldovich effect [8 + 2]

Session 5 (Thursday PM)
CMB foregrounds

Emmanuel Schaan & Neelima Sehgal: Review [30 + 5]
Niall MacCrann: Quantifying and mitigating foregrounds for the ACT lensing power spectrum [8 + 2]
Yuuki Omori: Simulations for lensing & cross-correlation studies [8 + 2]
Anton Baleato: Halo model approach to characterizing CMB lensing biases [8 + 2]
Antony Lewis: Quantifying CMB lensing biases due to foreground source masking [8 + 2]

Session 6 (Friday AM)
IA & modelling

Benjamin Joachimi & Danielle Leonard: Review [30 + 5]
Niko Sarcevic: Joint Modelling of Astrophysical Systematics for Cosmology with LSST [8 + 2]
Jonathan Blazek: Modeling IA for robust and optimal cosmology [8 + 2]
Tomasz Kacprzak: IA with AI: Intrinsic Alignments with Artificial Intelligence [8 + 2]
Nickolas Kokron: Improving models of structure formation statistics by combining perturbation theory and simulations [8 + 2]
Oliver Friedrich: Dirty Laundry at the Boundary of Frequentism and Bayesianism [8 + 2]
Bhuvnesh Jain: How to handle systematic uncertainties for 'beyond 2-point' statistics [8 + 2]

Session 7 (Friday PM)
CMB instrumental systematics & delensing

Giulio Fabbian: Instrumental and analysis systematics in CMB lensing reconstruction [15 + 5]
Toshiya Namikawa & Anton Baleato: Review [20 + 5]
Marius Millea [15 + 5]