Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

COSMO 2013

The seventeenth edition of the annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology - COSMO 2013 - will be held at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, Cambridge, UK in the week of September 2-6, 2013.

The COSMO series is one of the major venues of interaction between cosmologists and particle physicists. The year 2013 being the year of the first release of cosmological results from the Planck satellite, we consider it more important than ever to encourage such interactions between the fields. COSMO 13 will have an excellent line-up of plenary speakers (to be announced soon). Some of the topics to be discussed at COSMO include:

  • Results from the Planck satellite
  • Results from the Large Hadron Collider
  • The large-scale structure of the Universe
  • Cosmic acceleration
  • String cosmology
  • Primordial cosmology
  • Numerical cosmology
  • Particle astrophysics
  • Dark matter

A preliminary list of speakers at the conference:

Cliff Burgess (McMaster/Perimeter)
Jo Dunkley (University of Oxford)
George Efstathiou (Instute of Astronomy)
John Ellis (King's College London)
Justin Khoury (University of Pennsylvania)
John Kovac (Harvard University)
Ofer Lahav (University College London)
Liam McAllister (Cornell University)
Slava Mukhanov (Munich/New York University)
Ue-Li Pen (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)

Andreas Ringwald (DESY)
Uros Seljak (University of California, Berkeley)
Eva Silverstein (Stanford University)
Neil Turok (Perimeter Institute)
Ben Wandelt (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
Neal Weiner (New York University)
Simon White (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
Matias Zaldarriaga (Institute for Advanced Study)

In addition to the scientific conference, COSMO 13 will feature a public symposium with a series of high-profile speakers, including:

The Local Organising Committee (LOC) of COSMO 2013 comprises of:

Registration for the event will open in the spring of 2013. COSMO is open to everyone and registration fees for students and attendees coming from developing countries will be subsidised. We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge!

Professor Hawking and Andrey Kaliazin with COSMOS.

The first release of the results from the European Space Agency's Planck satellite will coincide with COSMO 13. (ESA)

Sponsorship for this conference is being provided by IntelIntel